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Century Seals is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturing company located in Seaford, Delaware. We manufacture and supply high-quality glass to metal hermetically sealed components and housings in a wide range of configurations: kovar, TO packages, relays, headers, feedthroughs, and machined packaging. With over 100 years of combined experience in our management staff, we have the product knowledge and customer service advantage to serve our customers best.
Incorporated in 1999, Century Seals continues to supply its customers with the highest quality products to give them the advantage they need. Century Seals has established a reputation for excellent customer service. Honest pricing, good communication, and respect for all business contacts have made us a preferred source in the microcircuit packaging industry.
Plating finishes are provided by Fin-Tec, a metal finishing company, wholly owned by Century Seals.